Enter the email address and last name you used to create your account. We will send a temporary password to this email address, which you can use to log in.
Thanks for helping out by contributing your feedback or reporting bugs. If you are reporting a bug, please let us know specifically what you were trying to do and what happened in as much detail as possible.
Hello! :) Please let us know about your region and why you think Rideshare is needed. Also if you know of any organizations who might be interested in sponsoring the project.
Transportation is expensive and people sharing rides should expect to share the expense. However opinions vary as to what's fair so discuss contributions before departing. Use the table below as a starting point for negotiations. Keep in mind:
| $0.36/kilometre |
| $0.04/kilometre |
| $1.23/litre |
* Estimates based on a Honda Civic LX driven 18,000 km/year